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Customer Testimonials


Click here to view testimonials from learners enrolled in our apprenticeship programme

Management Courses

Click here to view testimonials from the attendees of our management courses, such as Lead to Succeed, Well Led and Impact Assessment


Click here to view customer testimonials of our training solutions, including our eLearning, Myrus, and Academy rooms

Management Courses

Management Courses
CareTech - Inesa Jones

CareTech - Inesa Jones

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CareTech - Nigel Taylor

CareTech - Nigel Taylor

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CareTech - Kimberly Egan

CareTech - Kimberly Egan

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CareTech - Mary Purtill

CareTech - Mary Purtill

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CareTech - Kathryn Wieczorek

CareTech - Kathryn Wieczorek

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CareTech - Jocelyn Torion

CareTech - Jocelyn Torion

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CareTech - Susan Bankole

CareTech - Susan Bankole

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Autism at Kingwood - Adela Warrington, Julie Hough

Autism at Kingwood - Adela Warrington, Julie Hough

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Autism at Kingwood - Kate Allen, Lynn Longland, Adela Warrington

Autism at Kingwood - Kate Allen, Lynn Longland, Adela Warrington

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I see the benefits of the CareShield online learning as our students are engaged to acquire the knowledge they need and have an appropriate assessment at the end of their course. I was keen to support CareShield in getting their course materials accepted by NHS Digital.

- Catherine Coates, Principal Lecturer at Leeds Beckett Uni

Careshield have supported us with a Learning Management System for a number of years. They have adapted their system over time as both organisations grew in capacity and technical abilities. They always accept our requests for developments and try to meet our requests, no matter how far-fetched the ideas span. The support team are readily available to assist our staff as promised and Lauren in particular is an irreplaceable jewel in their crown, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

- Gemma Daynes – Learning & Development Officer 
 at  United Response - (Feb. 2022)

We have been using CareShield for just over a month now, as the admin user I find the Myrus system to be priceless. Everything is in the same place, it is already saving hours of office time and this is due to the automatic matrix the system can create. As well as a feature which will tell you which certificates have already been printed out, a  very simple feature but one that equally saves hours of time! There are numerous reports you can export into a spreadsheet, meaning that all evidence is available at the click of a button, completely up to date. 
Our staff are enjoying the courses, I have had feedback that they like the fact each course is quite 'interactive'. It is not just watch videos and answer questions, the courses require your interaction during the learning part, which keeps everyone on their toes.
Overall, as a company and an individual user, there is nothing negative to be said about CareShield. There are support staff on hand all the time, and regular check-ups from your account manager. 

- Sam Newham at Merrydale Rest Home - (August 2022)

Impact Medical Ltd appointed Careshield to provide e-learning mandatory training to our employees. From the beginning, we cannot help but be impressed with the efficiency and 'can do' attitude of the Careshield Team, with special mention to Sarah & Lauren who looked after us impeccably.  I cannot thank them enough.
The Myrus system is easy to understand with each module structured to our needs. The modules were very clear and comprehensive.
We would encourage anyone to use Careshield that provides a service and software package that is purely brilliant and so affordable. Best decision that anyone would make for developing their employee knowledge and skills.

- Kevin Jones – UK Medical Services Director at Impact Medical Ltd (August 2022)


CareShield Apprenticeships

Careshield Apprentice - Hayley Dawes

Careshield Apprentice - Hayley Dawes

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CareShield Apprentice - Solange Smith

CareShield Apprentice - Solange Smith

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