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The Care Certificate
The Care Certificate is a set of induction training standards. The CareShield Care Certificate programme delivers 15 standards published by Skills for Health, Skills for Care and Health Education England.

Our programme has been endorsed by Skills for Care.
    1. Understand your role 2. Your personal development 3. Duty of care 4. Equality and diversity 5. Work in a person-centred way 6. Communication 7. Privacy and dignity 8. Fluids and nutrition 9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability 10. Safeguarding adults 11. Safeguarding children 12. Basic life support 13. Health and safety 14. Handling information 15. Infection prevention and control

It prompts learners to complete practical skills and demonstrate competence. These activities are then signed off by an occupationally competent assessor. The assessor marks activities as completed to an acceptable standard.
All new healthcare support workers (HCSW) and adult social care workers (ASCW) are expected to complete the Care Certificate.

The Care Certificate

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