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Safeguarding Adults at Risk
This course will explain the importance of adult safeguarding and give learners a good understanding of how to keep those under their care safe. 

Learners will be advised on the different types of abuse, as well as their possible signs. This course will also update learners on the current safeguarding legislation, while also teaching them what to do if they encounter a safeguarding situation.
Mapped to the UK Core Skills Training Framework, the Care Certificate and the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma in Care.

Safeguarding Adults at Risk

  • Duration

    100 minutes

  • Who Is This Course Aimed At?

    New and existing care workers and other practitioners working in the health and social care settings.
  • What Will I Learn?

    By the end of this module, you will be able to:

    • Explain the factors that can increase the risk of abuse
    • Outline the current legislation that governs the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
    • Explain how to recognise and reduce the risk of abuse
    • Explain how to report and respond to abuse
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