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Pressure Ulcer Prevention
The aim of this course is to provide a good understanding of the basic management and care of pressure ulcers. Learners will discover what defines a pressure ulcer, what causes them and how they are categorised. 

This course will also look at the possible ways in which to treat a category I pressure ulcer and advise learners on the importance of repositioning techniques.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention

  • Duration

    116 minutes

  • Who Is This Course Aimed At?

    New and existing care workers and other practitioners working in the health and social care settings.
  • What Will I Learn?

    By the end of this module, you will be able to:

    • State when and why pressure ulcers can occur
    • Describe the category scheme for pressure ulcers and the implications of that scheme
    • Describe the types of individual most vulnerable to pressure ulcers
    • Identify the factors that can increase an individual's vulnerability
    • List the possible consequences of failing to treat a pressure ulcer effectively at the earliest opportunity
    • Describe the various means of preventing the development of pressure ulcers
    • Describe the most effective means of treating a pressure ulcer as soon as it is identified
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