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Peer Mentoring
This course is designed to enable new mentors to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to help support a mentee through their learning and development. 

The course looks at the ways in which people learn, the roles and responsibilities of a mentor and the importance of a strong mentoring relationship.

Peer Mentoring

  • Duration

    75 minutes

  • Who Is This Course Aimed At?

    This course is available for everyone
  • What Will I Learn?

    By the end of this course, you will:

    • Understand what it means to learn
    • Be able to identify your learning style and that of your mentee
    • Be aware of the personal qualities required to be an effective peer mentor
    • Understand the role of a peer mentor
    • Know how to conduct a mentoring session
    • Understand the mentoring relationship
    • Understand the impact of peer mentoring
    • Understand the effectiveness of reflection
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