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End of Life Care
This course acts as an introduction to end of life care. It looks at the standards for palliative care, how to recognise when an individual is dying and what can be done to help them manage the pain.

It also covers the ways in which culture and belief can influence an individual’s end of life care and how people can be psychologically affected.

End of Life Care

  • Duration

    116 minutes

  • Who Is This Course Aimed At?

    New and existing care workers and other practitioners working in the health and social care settings.
  • What Will I Learn?

    At the end of this course, you will:

    • Understand the importance of delivering palliative care (or 'end of life' care) in a person centered and holistic way
    • Be aware of the Gold Standards Framework in end of life care
    • Understand that there are signs that may indicate that an individual is nearing the end of their life and how you can help relieve such symptoms
    • Be aware of understanding and respect for a service user's culture and diversity
    • Be aware of pain monitoring and have an understanding of the management and the main types of medication used at end of life
    • Understand the requirements to manage challenging conversations so as to provide positive outcomes for the person, their family and yourself
    • Be aware of the wider support team available to someone requiring end of life care, such as MacMillan Nurses and how they can help provide individualised, person-centered palliative care
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