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In this course learners will be looking at what qualifies as a hazardous substance and the regulations that control their use. 

They will also learn about the responsibilities of both employers and employees, in relation to keeping themselves and others safe.


  • Duration

    45 minutes

  • Who Is This Course Aimed At?

    Workers who are involved in handling hazardous material at work and who are required to have an awareness of hazardous and non-hazardous materials in the workplace
  • What Will I Learn?

    By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • Understand the meaning of COSHH and how the regulations apply in the workplace
    • Describe the effects that hazardous substances can have on the body
    • Explain the precautions and procedures that are required when following COSHH
    • Explain the steps involved with complying to COSHH regulations
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